About us

Welcome to “All Montessori”! My name is Kimberley, and I am the passionate educator and parent behind this blog.

My Montessori Journey

My journey with Montessori began when my child first started attending a Montessori preschool. Over the years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact it can have on children’s development, fostering independence, curiosity, and a genuine love for learning.

Why I Started ‘All Montessori

In a world flooded with educational theories and practices, I felt a strong pull to create a space dedicated to Montessori. “All Montessori” was born out of a desire to share insights, stories, and resources about this transformative approach to learning and parenting.

Whether you’re a seasoned Montessori educator, a curious parent, or someone just beginning to explore, this blog aims to offer something valuable for everyone.

Contact Information

I love connecting with my readers! If you have questions, stories to share, or just want to chat about all things Montessori, don’t hesitate to reach out.

You can contact me at [email protected]. Also, make sure to follow “All Montessori” on any social media platforms you’re on, e.g., “Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter” for regular updates and inspiration.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Here’s to creating a world where every child’s potential is nurtured and celebrated!